ACTING AS GATEKEEPERS, the gods maintained balance of the three realms. But darkness drifted into the light realm, and the light began to break. A galactic planet named Eden exploded. Its fragments were flung far, and over time, the rocks of Eden created what would be known as the solar system. The surviving Edenians made Eden’s most central fragment their new home, and they named this planet Earth...
In 2224, humans lived openly with the fae, a humanoid species. Opposing integration, rebels had spread like wildfire throughout the Southeast of the United States. While Tallahassee, Florida was entering a state of mayhem, supporters of coexistence fought against the rebellion. And one supporter named Wren Sparrow, a Hispanic woman whose very birth drew the fae out of hiding to begin with, found herself mutating into something dark—something sinful. And only a misfit of aliens can save her.